Co-Curricular Groups
DHS Jazz Bands
There are two Jazz groups at Duxbury High School; the Jazz Ensemble and the Jazz band. Both are formed in the Fall within the first few weeks of school. These groups will be decided by audition, and populated accordingly, once those jazz bands are formed no other students are allowed admission unless absences of other needs require additional musicians. The Jazz Ensemble meets Tuesday evening from 6:00 – 7:30 and Jazz Band meets on Thursdays evenings from 6:00 – 7:30.
Jazz audition materials are available at the end of school year in the spring for summer practice. Sign-ups for the Jazz bands will be posted on the first day of school for auditions in the first or second week of school
Rules and Regulations:
Attendance will be taken every week at Rehearsal.
Attendance is required at all rehearsals and performances for the Jazz Band and Jazz Ensemble.
Your own music is needed at every Rehearsal and concert.
If you need to miss a rehearsal, you must tell the director.
If you miss more than two rehearsals without valid excuse notes you will be asked to leave the group.
If you are late twice to rehearsal without a valid reason you will be given a warning, if it happens again you will be asked to leave the group.
If you are going to miss a concert for any reason you need to find a substitute for your part have that person attend the dress rehearsal.
If you miss a performance without prior notification, you will no longer be in that group.
If you miss a dress rehearsal, you cannot play at the concert. NO EXCEPTIONS
DHS Jazz Obligations
There will be two after school Jazz groups formed in the Fall. These groups will be decided by audition and populated accordingly. There will also be a Jazz Combo group that will have scheduled meetings. This group will be decided by the teacher’s discretion.
The Jazz Ensemble will meet after school on Tuesday’s from 6:00 – 7:30
The Jazz Band will meet after school on Thursday’s from 6:00 – 7:30
The Jazz Combo will meet at player’s discretion.
Attendance is required at all rehearsals for the Jazz Band & Jazz Ensemble. Jazz combo attendance will vary.
Attendance is also required for all Jazz Band and Jazz Ensemble Performances:
Please check the Duxbury Music Calendar for specific dates
Jazz Band Concert – DHS Holiday Concert
Jazz Ensemble Concert – DHS Holiday Ensembles Concert
DHS Holiday Music Assembly – Both Jazz Groups
All Band Night - Both Jazz Groups
Jazz Band Concert – DHS Spring Concert
Jazz Ensemble Concert – DHS Spring Ensembles Concert
Jazz Band “Opening Of the Bay” Concert
Jazz Ensemble “July 4th Parade”
Jazz Combo performances will be announced throughout the year.
Rules and Regulations – Attendance will be taken every week at Rehearsal
Your own music is needed at every rehearsal and concert.
If you need to miss a rehearsal, you must tell the director.
If you miss more than two rehearsals without valid excuse notes you will be asked to leave the group.
If you are late twice to rehearsal without a valid reason you will be given a warning, if it happens again you will be asked to leave the group.
If you are going to miss a concert for any reason you need to find a substitute for your part have that person attend the dress rehearsal.
If you miss a performance without prior notification, you will no longer be in that group.
If you miss a dress rehearsal, you cannot play in the concert. NO EXCEPTIONS