What is the We Can Fund?
The We Can Fund was founded by the Duxbury High School Class of 2019
The goal of the We Can Fund is to support all students and give them the opportunity to participate in or access school based student activities regardless of financial limitations.
The We Can Fund tries to remove as much burden as possible for the student and their family. For larger costs, a portion of the expense is covered.
Student Activities Supported:
Class trips (e.g., Museum of Science, Newport Mansions, Career Innovation Pathways Trips, etc.)
Class events (e.g., Prom, Senior Night Out, Homecoming, Spring Fling, etc.)
Large school based trips (e.g., Disney-Music, Washington D.C.-History, etc.)
Student Yearbooks
Classroom needs (e.g., graphing calculator, art supplies, etc.)
Duxbury "D" Magnet Fundraiser

The 5" die cut, UV printed Duxbury "D" Magnets are great for your car, desk, refrigerator, tool box or any metal surface in need of some decoration. Show your Duxbury Pride and support the We Can Fund and purchase yours today. The cost is $10.00 for one (1) and $15.00 for two (2). No limit on amount you can purchase.
-Magnets can be purchased in the DHS Main Office.
-You can also reach out to Mr. Warmington with any questions twarmington@duxbuy.k12.ma.us or 781-934-7650 x-4110
-Cash or Check to be payable to Duxbury High School. Please write We Can Fund on the memo line.