DHS Yearbook
Important Dates
October 16: Senior Spotlight form due
November 1: Senior portraits, baby photos, and younger years photos for seniors due
December 14: Last day to order yearbooks for $80
January 31: Last day to order yearbooks online for $90
February 12=4: Senior ad purchases by families due
March 14: Senior ad designs due
Yearbook Advisors
Ms. Brittany Bradford & Ms. Kaileigh Connolly
The most important information to start us off is that we have changed yearbook publishers to Coffee Pond. This means some changes from previous years (including price).
Below is information from Coffee Pond, including instructions on how to submit photos, purchase & design senior ads, and purchase yearbooks.
Please note that our pricing is a little different this year. Yearbooks will be $80 each purchased early by December 14, 2024. December 15, the price per book will increase to $90.
Senior ad purchases must be made by February 14 and designs submitted by March 14. Quarter page ads will be $75, half page will be $140, and full page will be $260.
The Senior Spotlight form has been emailed to all members of the senior class. We will need it completed by October 16.
Senior portraits, as well as baby (0-2 years) and younger years (3 years+) photos, are due to the yearbook site by November 1. We will absolutely issue reminders as the date approaches. Please send one option each for the 3 photo categories, but we would LOVE any and all group younger years photos you may have for our senior section.
*It has come up in the past, so it is worth noting that you are not required to have professional senior portraits done. Many families like those as a milestone, but families are welcome to take photos themselves, use the school photos taken in the fall, or request that a yearbook club member take the photo (these are definitely not professional photos and would be taken by students on campus either directly before or after school).