Community Event Posting Form:
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Parents & Guardians are encouraged to join us in our Performing Arts Center, on Wednesday, March 26 from 6 pm - 7:30pm.
Dr. Jill Walsh will be sharing her insights on how we can prepare our Elementary & Middle School students to navigate their digital world and how parents/guardians can help support and guide their choices.
Duxbury & Marshfield Communities are welcome, free of charge. For questions, please email Elizabeth Burns.

MassDOT's Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program has launched their 9th Annual Yard Sign Design Contest with this years theme of HELMET SAFETY! Students (Grades K-8) can submit a drawing, or digital design, by Monday February 24, to be entered into a statewide selection of four winning designs. These winning designs will be printed into full-size yard signs and available for distribution to schools and communities across MA. Be creative and consider how you can promote helmets while biking, scootering, skateboarding, etc.!

The Human Library is BACK. Our popular Human Library event in November of 2023 will be back with some new Book Titles. What is a Human Library? The Human Library is a Danish organization that works for social justice with the motto "unjudge someone." These events create space for dialogue where topics surrounding identity and bias are discussed openly by "books.”
“Readers” are members of the public who will be attending the program and listening to “books” tell their stories in one-on-one or small group settings. “Readers” have the opportunity to choose with “books” they’d like to “check out” for short, 10-20 minute conversations where they can ask “books” questions about their lives and experiences. Attendance is free and open to all. Drop by any time in the 1-4pm window.

In partnership with the Duxbury Free Library. Please contact or for more information.

Duxbury Youth Softball is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a Girls Fast-pitch Softball program for the youth of Duxbury, MA in grades K through 8.
Spring Ball runs from early April through early June depending on age group. Registration closes 3/12!

Art lessons taught by Linda Schatz at the Ellison Center on Thursdays from 3:45-4:45pm

Small group classes for young learners, age 2-5, who have not yet entered full-time school. The sessions will focus on age appropriate academics, social and emotional learning practices and confidence building. Please scan the QR code for more information.

One week STEM summer camp. See flyer for details.

CAMP is DSU's happy place with daily themes that are a mix of innovation and old school fun. If your child is ready to stretch their minds, expand their friendships and have a blast doing it, sign up ASAP
Experience an unforgettable 3 weeks of summer camp discovering the BEST of Duxbury! Whether you're splashing in the pool, creating artistic masterpieces, scoring big on the field, or cooking up tasty treats, there’s something for EVERYONE at DSUmmer Camp! Come for one week or join for all three.

Lego Robotics and Coding using Fan Favorites! Build a model of a robot, car, or animal and bring it to life using coding! Click here to register

Dive into a world of creativity, teamwork, and epic adventures as you explore, build, and collaborate. Level-up your problem solving skills through gameplay and teamwork. Click here to register

This 4 week program, offered through Billy Curley Basketball, is a fun introduction to basketball for boys and girls in grades 1&2. This program takes place on Wednesdays 3/5-4/2 (no class on 3/26, early release) from 3:30-4:30 in the Chandler gym. Instructors: Billy Curley and Richard Henninger.