Director of Business & Finance
781-934-7600 | ext. 2908
Email Lisa Freeley
Mrs. Lisa Freeley
Ms. Suzanne Hughes
Accounts Payable
781-934-7600 | ext. 2905
Email Suzanne Hughes
Ms. Kerri Nixon
Payroll Coordinator
781-934-7600 | ext. 2907
Email Kerri Nixon
Mrs. Lori Loycano
Transportation, Registrar & Business Office Support
781-934-7600 | ext. 2901
Email Lori Loycano
Mrs. Christine Cass
Operations Manager Athletics & Facilities
781-934-7600 | ext. 3013
Email Christine Cass
The Office of Business and Finance is committed to providing our community with transparent financial information, well-maintained facilities, and efficient school operation. Our office staff strive to support our staff, students, and families through best business practices.
Accounts Payable
Our Business Office handles the processing of purchase orders and payment of vendor invoices regularly. We ensure that disbursements are made in compliance with Duxbury Public School policies and procedures and federal, state, and local regulations.
Bill Payment
Duxbury Public Schools uses UniPay to process all online payments. Use our UniPay portal to pay Athletic Fees, Music lessons, Preschool Deposits & Tuition, Parking Fees, Technology Repair Plan and Repair Fees, Transportation Fees, Facility Use, and DPS Student Activity Fees.
Our Business Office is responsible for budget development, management, analysis, and reporting.
Our Business Office is responsible for the processing of all payroll activities including accurate and timely bi-weekly payments to all Duxbury Public School employees.
Payroll Deductions - The Business Office maintains all the payroll deductions for an employee. For questions and/or changes to an employee’s health benefit and life insurance deductions, tax, pension and 403(B) plan deductions, please contact the Payroll Department.
School Building/Facility Services
It is the School Committee's desire that residents of Duxbury have access and use of school property. It is the Committee's intent that such use will not be a drain on the schools' financial resources, and that such organizations will maintain the safe conditions and will not cause any damage to school property. Use of school property for school purposes takes precedence over all other uses. Permission to use school facilities may be revoked at any time due to the needs of the school program.
Use of school buildings and other facilities by organizations generally will be permitted when a worthy educational, civic, recreational, or charitable purpose will be served through such usage, or a substantial group of citizens from the community will benefit. The affiliation of any such association with a religious organization shall not disqualify such association from being allowed such a use for such a purpose. Use of alcoholic beverages or tobacco in school buildings or on school grounds at any time is prohibited.
School facilities will be used in accordance with the regulations and payment schedules set by the Superintendent. A release from liability must be signed by the individual or authorized representatives of the group seeking use.
Duxbury Public Schools contracts with Chartwells to provide food services for the district. Chartwells provides breakfast and lunch each day at our schools.
The major purpose of Duxbury Public Schools transportation services is to aid students in getting to and from school in an efficient, safe, and economical manner.
Regular student transportation is provided by First Student Transportation. Transportation for students with disabilities is coordinated by the Special Education Department and is arranged on an individual basis. For more information on transportation for students with disabilities, contact the Special Education Office at 781-934-7643.