General Information
Office Location
The Duxbury Before and After Dark office is located in the Performing Arts Center wing of the Alden Elementary School at 75 Alden Street in Duxbury. The telephone number is 781-934-7630 x 4. The office is staffed on a part time basis, so please leave a message when you call.
The cost of taking a class is listed with each course description in our flyer and on our website.
Class Times, Dates, Location
Class dates, times, and location are noted with each course description in our flyer and on our website. Classes will be held at the Chandler School, the Duxbury High School (DHS), the Duxbury Middle School (DMS), and the Alden School. Unless otherwise noted, all adult classes are for students aged 18 and over. Classes will not meet when schools are closed for the day or released early due to poor weather conditions.
Tuition refunds are given for courses cancelled by Before and After Dark. Cancellation decisions are generally made one week before a class begins. A minimum number of students are required for a course to meet. Refunds for on-line registrations are processed as a credit card refund. Activenet on-line transaction fees are non-refundable. Refunds for payments by personal check are issued directly from the town of Duxbury and take several weeks to process.
Students taking classes in the Fall/Winter or Spring term must withdraw one week prior to the class to receive a full tuition refund less a $10 processing fee (per student/per class). The deadline for Summer withdrawal is June 10th. Once the withdrawal deadline has passed, tuition is committed to the course and the instructor, and no other refund will be granted.