Pick Up and Drop Off Procedures

Arriving to School

  • Please enter campus from Alden Street by the library and drive SLOWLY around the building until you approach DMS. 

  • Students may be dropped off along the entire distance from the cafeteria patio to the courtyard along the back side of the building (marked by the red line below). As long as your vehicle is pulled immediately next to a sidewalk area (on the driver's side of your car) of the DMS end of the building, you may drop your child off and allow them to walk to the entrance to avoid congestion. 

  • As much as possible, please have students exit the back seat driver's side of your vehicle.

  • No students may be dropped off in ANY staff parking lot. 

  • Students may enter the building starting at 7:45am. If they arrive earlier than 7:45, they should remain outside on the sidewalk or grassy areas around the entrance.

  • Please DO NOT PASS STOPPED VEHICLES as this presents a safety issue to our students during drop off. 

Departing School

  • Drivers should enter campus at the Alden Street entrance and travel SLOWLY around campus as you approach the DMS patio.

  • Students will be dismissed from the building at 2:48pm. 

  • Drivers should queue up along the DMS side of the building starting at the yellow star in the image below, with the sidewalk along the driver's side of the car, and all along the red line. 

  • Students will be encouraged to walk from the DMS entrance to your car, where you will be able to depart. 

  • No students may be picked up in ANY staff parking lot. 

Bikers and Walkers

  • If your student is planning to bike, skateboard, or walk to school, please have a conversation with them about safety.

  • We encourage all students biking and skateboarding to wear a helmet.

  • As students approach campus, it is important they are on sidewalks and not in traffic routes to ensure safety with passing cars. 

  • Students on bikes and skateboards should get off their item and walk if the sidewalk area is congested with other students to ensure no collisions take place.

  • Students should only cross roads at marked crosswalks

Dismissals (Early/ Unexpected/ Nurse):

  • Adults will drive to the DMS side of the building and will need to get out of their car and press the “buzzer” located to the left of the doors on the brick wall. Please note there is no parking near the DMS entrance for visitors. All parking in this lot is for staff members.

  • The DMS office staff will bring your student to the door where a parent/guardian will be able to sign the student out for dismissal.

  • The student will show the note to the office and his/her classroom teacher at the time of dismissal and come to the main office where the office staff will walk the student to the DMS doors to collect a parent signature 

  • Unexpected Dismissals – Please call ahead to the DMS main office at 781-934-7640 to let us know your student is being dismissed and follow the above protocol. (We would prefer not to interrupt their classes).

  • Nurse Dismissals – will be managed by our DMS Nurse, Karen Doyle, and will occur at Door # 11 (this door is located on the side of the building). 

  • All adults will need to present a valid driver’s license or form of I.D. that they will need to show an office staff member before the student will be allowed to be dismissed with them. 

Dropping Off Forgotten Items

  • Adults will drive to the DMS side of the building and will need to get out of their car and press the “buzzer” located to the left of the doors on the brick wall. Please note there is no parking near the DMS entrance for visitors. All parking in this lot is for staff members. The adult will be allowed into the vestibule and may leave the labeled item on the right hand side shelves where students will be able to pick them up. 

  • Please note that we do not expect parents/guardians to drop off items forgotten by students. In the effort to support a student's growth in independence in preparing for their school day, we encourage parents/ guardians to avoid dropping off forgotten items. A student who forgets their lunch will always be provided one if needed. 

  • You will not be able to enter the building beyond the vestibule to drop something off.